In this gripping and horror story, we encounter a struggling male teacher Nkeamakonam(Yul Edochie) who manages to free himself from a dangerous set up which was intended to ruin his career and life. After, the traumatic experience, Nkemakonam moves on with life and joyfully found himself again in an encounter with his wealthy and amiable uncle who has been of immense help to him and his dear wife. Now, what was supposed to be a courtesy visit to the home of his dear uncle unexpectedly turns horrific and fearful as he ignorantly found himself dragged to a pit of hell where no one or anything may be able to save his life and that of his family. Sadly, is how everything about Nkeamakonam changed just after one visit to the home of a supposedly goodhearted and charitable uncle of his.
Nollywood movies starring: Yul Edochie, TT Temple, Remmy Ohajianya, Chinenye Uba, Benita Akpofe and Don Charlse Maduka.
Producer: Mathew Okoro/ Nkiru Nwadinobi
Director: Yellow Face Umeli
Company: Ecstacy Movies Nig Ltd
Year: 2017
In this gripping and horror story, we encounter a struggling male teacher Nkeamakonam(Yul Edochie) who manages to free himself from a dangerous set up which was intended to ruin his career and life. After, the traumatic experience, Nkemakonam moves on with life and joyfully found himself again in an encounter with his wealthy and amiable uncle who has been of immense help to him and his dear wife. Now, what was supposed to be a courtesy visit to the home of his dear uncle unexpectedly turns horrific and fearful as he ignorantly found himself dragged to a pit of hell where no one or anything may be able to save his life and that of his family. Sadly, is how everything about Nkeamakonam changed just after one visit to the home of a supposedly goodhearted and charitable uncle of his.
Nollywood movies starring: Yul Edochie, TT Temple, Remmy Ohajianya, Chinenye Uba, Benita Akpofe and Don Charlse Maduka.
Producer: Mathew Okoro/ Nkiru Nwadinobi
Director: Yellow Face Umeli
Company: Ecstacy Movies Nig Ltd
Year: 2017
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